So, this blog was not created so that I can babble endlessly about all the unimportant things that are happening in my pathetic little life, (no offense to all my dear friends who use their blogs for that very reason). No, this blog was created to babble endlessly about all of the 'important things' that are happening on this pathetic little planet. One of the regular entries that you can look forward to is 'Left, Right & Commie'. In this little gem, I will take a 'pure fact' or a quote, show the spin put on it in the left and right media, and then write what a communist would say about it. I think it will provide an unnecessary yet mildly entertaining perspective on current events, and maybe even be slightly insightful since most of us, myself included, hear only one side of a given story. So, here goes nothing.
Fact: President Bush has nominated Samuel Alito to be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
From FoxNews, November 14th, 2005
"I am particularly proud of my contributions in recent cases in which the government has argued in the Supreme Court that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and that the constitution does not protect a right to an abortion," Alito wrote.
Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard and FOX News contributor, said Monday that although the writings show Alito was pro-life, they don't necessarily show how he will rule on the court.
Kirstin Powers, a Democratic strategist, told FOX News on Monday that while the application sheds some light on his legal views on abortion, "this was a long time ago and he has shown some deference to precedent."
"I believe very strongly in limited government, federalism, free enterprise" and "the supremacy of the elected branches of government," Alito wrote.
From Village Voice, November 14th, 2005
"I am and always have been a conservative," the Times quotes him as writing in an attachment to his appointment form. "I am a lifelong registered Republican."
Alito also said, "I am particularly proud of my contributions in recent cases in which the government has argued in the Supreme Court that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and that the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion." At the time Alito was working as a deputy to the solicitor general.The document comes from the Ronald Reagan presidential library.
To put it mildly, Alito comes off as a right-wing yes-man ever so anxious to be brought into Meese's inner circle. Alito rattles off the conservative mantra: devotion to limited government, abhorrence of activist judges, strong support for free enterprise, a yen tough law enforcement, and a love for stiff defense policy.
From a Commie
The goddam dirty capitalist pigdogs have once again attempted to usurp the rights of the working man. Satan, that is, President Bush, has nominated one of his minions to carry on his reign long after the people no longer have to see the big-eared, small-brained, barely-evolved puppet who has taken civilization backwards innumerable years. Now, as the dirty underbelly of the recently nominated Alito comes to light, the public can see how racist and sexist this tool of the lord of lies actually is.
Alito said, "I am particularly proud of my contributions in recent cases in which the government has argued in the Supreme Court that racial and ethnic quotas should not be allowed and that the Constitution does not protect a right to an abortion."
This quote clearly displays how the soon-to-be-destroyer-of-the-little-progress-this-country-has-made has no filter for the rational, and still believes in the superiority of the white male. Alito would like the country to believe that this nation, in it's current state, is capable of providing fair opportunities to all races and ethnicities, and that some little fetus has a claim over the mother. This is the same person, mind you, who said that women should still be subservient to their abusive, chauvinisticc husbands. Of course, if the class struggle imposed and sustained by the bourgeoisie didn't exist, then maybe we could trust that all people would be afforded an equal chance at education, and consequentially vocation. Until then, any effort to strip the oppressed of a chance to better themselves should be seen as a direct attack on the working class. As for his comments on abortion, Alito apparently thinks that women are inferior and exist solely for the purpose of popping out babies and obeying their spouse.
The constitution, it should be noted, was written to evolve. Alito must believe otherwise since he seems to say that the women's rights movement and the minority movements in this country aren't 'constitutionally protected' and therefore should be stricken from the record.
Monday, November 14, 2005
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Hey your commie view is quite entertaining!!
A very origial idea for a blog...keep it up!
Touchee. However, until America starts from the bottom and implements a nationalized education, most minorities will be subject to poor schooling and consequentially less opportunities. Personally, I am more of a fan of economic-based affirmative action as opposed to racially-based affirmative action, but right now something is better than nothing. I'm not a racial minority, and can only speak for myself, but I did grow up in a low-income home, both parents were working one to two jobs, there was little to no supervision of myself and my siblings, and since we lived in a low-income area, the schools were also poor. As a communist, what I want is an even playing field for all people. Majorites, by and large, have less opportunities than most whites, and I can come to terms with a half solution rather than getting nothing at all.
what is your problem liberalist fucktard
Quite an enlightened rebuttal. Let's break down the fustigation and analyze its components.
Liberalist, as in relating to one who advocates those who are open-minded or not strict in the observance of orthodox, traditional, or established forms or ways.
Fucktard, most likely some sort of slang for a "fucking retard".
Used in conjunction, they seem to refer not to a fucking retard who is aligned with the progressive party. Rather, since the sentence seems to be missing punctuation, I will re-write the commentary with what seemed to be the authors intent.
"What is your problem, liberalist.
Thank you for your concern, fucktard. I do not have any problems at the present moment.
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